Elementary Cellular Automata

Posted by Damian Dailisan on February 15, 2016 Tags: Python Complex Systems   8 minute read

Elementary Cellular Automata (ECA) was a toy model initially created by Von Neumann and later on studied extensively by Stephen Wolfram, probably since he was really bored. ECA is a simple model wherein you have cells with binary states (1 or 0) that evolve through iterations. The evolution rules are defined by the state at the previous timestep of the cells within the neighborhood the the cell to be evaluated.

For this implementation, I defined functions that turn binary strings to decimals and vice versa. This will facilitate the general creation of lookup tables associated with the rules.

In [1]:

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from __future__ import division, print_function
from numba import jit
import seaborn as sns

def binary_str(num):
    res = []
    for i in range(7,-1,-1):
        if num//(2**i)==1:
            num -= 2**i
    return res

def binary_dec(arr):
    dec = 0
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        dec += arr[-1-i]*2**i
    return dec

I then initialized an empty array, and initialized the first row a 50-50 percent chance of being 1 or 0 for each cell in the first row.

In [2]:

SIZE = 50

ECA = np.zeros((SIZE,SIZE))
ECA[0,:] = 1
ECA[0, SIZE//2] = 0

I then allowed the system to follow the rules (Rule 30 in particular) and wait for the resulting imageā€¦

In [3]:

for i in range(1,SIZE):
    for j in range(SIZE):
        pattern = [ECA[i-1,k%SIZE] for k in [j-1,j,j+1]]
        index = int(binary_dec(pattern))
        ECA[i, j] = binary_str(26)[7-index]

with sns.axes_style('white'):
    plt.imshow(ECA, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')


Characterizing ECA Rules

Space: Entropy

Measure the Shannon Entropy \(H = \dfrac{1}{H_{max}} \sum_{i=0}^7 p_i\log{p_i}\) where $p_i$ is the frequency of all configurations resulting in the microstate $i$, where $H_{max}$ is the value of $H$ whenn all $p_i=\dfrac{1}{N}$ are equal.

$ \langle H \rangle$ is obtained after disregarding the transient period (roughly half of the cell length in space).

In [4]:


def p_i(space_arr,N):
    p_vals = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.bool)
    states = np.array([binary_dec(space_arr[i-1:i+2]) for i in range(1,len(space_arr)-1)])
    for i in range(N):
        p_vals[i] = np.sum(states==i)
    return p_vals/np.sum(p_vals)

N = 8
H_max = np.sum([1./N*np.log(1./N) for state_num in range(N)])
H = lambda timestep: np.sum([p*np.log(p+1e-10) for p in p_i(timestep,N)])/H_max

H_ave = lambda ECA: np.mean([H(timestep) for timestep in ECA[SIZE//2:,:]])

Time: Kinetic Energy

\(\langle K \rangle_t = \langle |s_{i+1}-s_i|^2\rangle_t\) This essentially counts the number of times states are flipped averaged across space and time.

In [5]:

def K(evolution):
    SIZE = len(evolution)
    return np.mean([np.mean((evolution[time]-evolution[time-1])**2) for time in range(SIZE//2,SIZE)])

An interesting observation is when you generate all ECA rules, measure their respective $K$ and $H$ values, we will observe clustering for similarly classed rules.

In [6]:

def create_ECA(rule, SIZE):
    ECA = np.zeros((SIZE,SIZE))
    ECA[0,SIZE//2] = 1
#     ECA[0,:] = 1*(np.random.random(SIZE)>0.5)
    for i in range(1,SIZE):
        for j in range(SIZE):
            pattern = [ECA[i-1,k%SIZE] for k in [j-1,j,j+1]]
            index = int(binary_dec(pattern))
            ECA[i, j] = binary_str(rule)[7-index]
    return ECA

SIZE = 128
%time all_ECA = [create_ECA(rule, SIZE) for rule in range(SIZE)]
Wall time: 46.3 s

In [7]:

CA1 = [0, 4, 16, 32, 36, 48, 54, 60, 62]
CA2 = [8, 24, 40, 56, 58]
CA3 = [2, 10, 12, 14, 18, 22, 26, 28, 30, 34, 38, 42, 44, 46, 50]
CA4 = [52, 110]
colors = []
for i in range(256):
    if i in CA1:
    elif i in CA2:
    elif i in CA3:
    elif i in CA4:

In [8]:

%time K_list = [K(ECA) for ECA in all_ECA]
%time H_list = [H_ave(ECA) for ECA in all_ECA]
Wall time: 130 ms
Wall time: 1.46 s

In [9]:

plt.scatter(K_list,H_list, alpha=0.5, c=colors, s=20, linewidths=0)
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0xd2d9fd0>


Clustering of ECA

Some form of clustering can be observed using the Entropy and Kinetic Energy descriptors. However, this clustering cannot be traced back to the types of ECA rules.